NJAA member and astro-imager Tim Schott has built a small observatory a-top his house in eastern Pennsylvania. Below is it's it's progress to completion. Tim has been an active and knowledgeable deep sky imager over the last few years. He has added some very nice equipment to his repertoire and has is near completion of his custom observatory. What an excellent project it was and the results are amazing!
This is an artist's rendition of the completed
View from roof peak
Wall studs as seen from rear
Waiting for concrete footings for the steps to be added
Pier and steps will be poured soon
Guys arrive to pour cement
Pouring the pier
Pier cement finished.
There will be a 6" sand filled pier post on top to provide scope clearance and make up the additional height to the dome base.
The steps are in position
The dome's floor is in place
The dome's floor support structure is complete
The dome is in place
Now the hard part begins. All the equipment, wiring and calibrations need to begin.

The room below the dome looks great!

His 10" Third Planet Optics RC Truss Scope and Losmandy G11 Mount is completed and on the pier
His new images will appear separately in this blog...